Monday, March 12, 2012

Obama's Chance for the White House

Barak Obama is starting to gain popularity in the polls and is giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money. I kind of like him for a Democrat, but not completely. I mean he's a good speaker and has some charisma, but he's not someone I'd want running this country.

Barak Obama is a Senator from the Great State of Illinois. Not much is known about him and his leadership skills, primarily because he hasn't been around for a long time. This has advantages as well as disadvantages. People are crying for an average man or woman to make a legitimate run at the White House. However, Obama isn't someone I'd call average for the majority of Americans.

Most Americans don't sniff cocaine or smoke the green stuff when they are younger. The liberal outlets will have you to believe otherwise. Obama wrote a book about his past. That saved the Clinton machine from having to dig the dirt out on him. The majority of the left wing Democrats will overlook this. However, most independents and free thinking people won't. Let's be honest here, he's not going to win over any Republican swing voters.

Another thing that hurts him is his name. Barrack Hussein Obama doesn't sound good to most Americans. I'm not being judgmental here. I'm just stating the truth from the average American. People are uneasy about the sound of his name. I won't go any further, because the liberals will try to dissect this into something it's not.

If Obama gets his act together, he may be able to make Vice President. That is only if Hillary Clinton decides to pick him. We cannot forget about Al Gore. He could put up a real fight for the White House or Clinton or Gore could pick Richardson from New Mexico as a running mate. Nothing is set in stone for Obama.

I do like his speaking skills and I admire his ability to gather large crowds wherever he goes. If the man wants to win the Presidency, he'll have to overcome many obstacles. If he can do it, all the power to him. If he doesn't, he can always say he gave a good try. I do believe he stands a better chance in the race than Joseph Biden.

Just make it easy on yourself and vote red in '08!

Jeffery S. Miller is the author of Higgins: An American Story, The Ballad of J.D. Higgins, and numerous short stories. If you enjoyed this article, show your support for a conservative author. Stop by his site and purchase one of his books from Amazon. The site is

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