Have you forgotten the reasons we sent you to The White House? We didn't send you there just to be another Chicago machine politician wallowing in the filth of corporate PAC monies, special interest groups, corrupt pork barrel politicians, and lecherous lobbies. Nor did we send you to extend olive branches to those who have a long track record of enriching their greedy insatiable friends and associates at the expense of "we" the American people. We did not send you to help the Banks, Wall Street, Big Oil, Apartheid countries spinning delusions of democracy or The Military Industrial Complex rip us off. We never sent you to take the road of endless political compromise, plant closings, foreclosure, war, welfare for despotic foreign rulers, and perpetuation of drone death from the sky. You weren't sent to continue the legacy of extraordinary rendition, Gitmo, black prisons, water boarding, arms dealing, and flag draped coffins returning home. We sent you there to take "our country" back, make sure we can reasonably feed clothe shelter and educate our children and ourselves. We sent you there because we need to be able to go to the hospital when we are sick or hurt and not be afraid we will be denied coverage, be financially devastated, embarrassed or turned out on to the street! We sent you there because we don't want the government to give us anything "we just want the government to open up the door and we'll get it ourselves." Right now Mr. Obama not only is the door closed but it's locked! All we wanted is to be safe and secure in our own country and not have our money taken away to do things that make us not only less safe but more fearful, economically destitute, morally damaged, and afraid to fly.
You made us promises and took covenant with us to do as we asked, feel our pain, restore our good name, and wrestle the reins of power from the bloated backroom self consumed power brokers of Washington. You represented (and still do) all our hopes and dreams to overcome the crippling schemes of powerful men dealing behind the scenes to abridge our rights by any means. Sure, it has only been 2 years but it is time to unwaveringly institute that "CHANGE" you spoke about. We are doing our best to hold onto the small businesses we have, the jobs we have, the homes we have, the benefits we have, and even the little self esteem have left and fought so hard for. We picked you for the job because we don't care about your hue only what you have the God given potential to do. To tell you the truth "we" hired you because we heard you in rhetoric raise the bar and right now we need a leader with the fighting strength of Truman, vision and tenacity of FDR. You are there because we need something from you, we need you to clean house and get our sovereignty, our money and our power back and our patience is waning. Don't be drawn into the continual conferences of delay by those that use negotiation as a strategy to permanently keep our "we the people" at bay. You were sent there because when you spoke you aroused our hope and made us believe together we could purge the American political air of the sickening stale stench of backroom cigar smoke.
You promised to end the war in Iraq so remove all the troops including the last 50,000 do it keep your promise. You promised to give us the health care we all need, go back and finish it "come hell or high water" like FDR did, if the big business barons hate you that is the price of our love. You promised to get us working; seriously you must work on that! You promised us more things than I have time or space to write about but you still have time to keep many of those promises, so let's get going before you and the time are gone. Mr. President it is time for you to finally "dare to be great", you have all the tools we just all wish you would use them and un-apologetically make that "CHANGE" you talked about, good medicine is always bitter! Last of all you promised to go through the budget item by item line by line well that time has arrived and I am going to help you.
I understand we need money to do all these things and finance all the changes and of course money is tight right now or at least so we are led to believe. However money can solve a lot of problems for us simply by moving it to where it belongs and away from where it does not. Everyday millions of dollars leave our shores and go to countries that abuse us spy on us thumb their noses at us so here are some solutions and let's start with a hard one. Let's use the Americans people's money to achieve "peace in the middle east", we are giving lots and lots of money to just about all the parties involved, so it stands to reason they have an incentive to keep the conflicts going because they are getting paid. If we remove our money from the equation things will definitely get a lot quieter. Consider the following:
1. Israel receives about say 10 million of our hard earned tax dollars every day, they don't listen to anyone they do as they want. That is about 3.6 billion a year, Israel has a heath care system far superior to ours and subsidized housing as well if we kept that money here at home where it belongs, it would go a long way towards solving our health care problems not to mention it could keep a lot our people here in their homes.
2. Egypt receives roughly about 2 Billion per year and a large part of that goes to arms and the balance into accounts of the their politicians to be used for we don't know what. However here in America we have thousands of people living in shelters or on the street depending on charity for their next meal.
3. Jordan receives millions every year in tax dollars every year without any accountability to speak of.
4. The list goes on and on and all we know is the Palestinian Authority only seems to have the authority to spend our money.
Cut the funds off to the Middle East and stop giving them weapons for free while we foot the bill. Believe me the conflict will stop because they won't be able to afford it and then maybe they can feel the anguish of being moved from "welfare to work" or as is our reality now from work to the "unemployment line."
This money keeps going out and going out creating a massive vortex in the collective American tax payer's bathtub with no end in sight. Yet we are told there are massive budget problems, well I guess so because we are not getting the benefit of the funds we endlessly pay in. Everyone near and far from massive corporations to foreign dictators are lined up at the trough to get an unfair share of the monies we the American people labor so hard for. Stop letting Washington give away what we don't have to give and feeding us the lies of "Big Government" spending out of control here inside the U.S., while in fact we are funding war, terrorism, and incredible waste all across the globe. We hired you because we are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. Please do the job we sent you there for, take firm resolve and do not retreat so I hope you got the message and you know why "we" threw so many incumbents out of office this time in 2010 just like we did in 2008. Both parties honestly sicken us and we truly identify with neither. We just want our country back and if you don't do it we will keep "CHANGING" until we find someone who will lead us out of this stinking fetid morass...
Seattle, Washington, United States
An independent writer that seeks to bring to the forefront alternative and non status quo ideas. He is committed to seek and pass on views that delve into the non conformist views while highlighting the human factors of individuality par circumstance.
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