Friday, December 23, 2011

All There is to Know About Barak Obama

Barak Hussein Obama, popularly known Barak Obama, has become one of the most famous personalities of the modern world. His feat is quite remarkable. After all, he has become the 44th president of the United States, which is nothing less than legend. He has the widely publicized honor of being the first Afro-American President of the United States. Since Mr. Barak Obama became the President, the world has always tried to find out about his past and his current activities from various sources. The following are some of the highlights of his rise to fame and history:

1. Mr. Barak Obama was one of the junior senators from January 2005 to November 2008, when he quit his service for his current position. He served as the junior senator from Illinois.

2. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School. He was also the president of the Harvard Law Review, which is a journal of legal scholarship.

3. He used to practice as a civil rights lawyer in the City of Chicago. Furthermore, he can also be said to be a teacher, as he used to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.

4. He started his presidential campaign in February 2007, following his victory over Hillary Rodham Clinton to win the nomination of the Democrats.

5. Subsequently, he defeated the Republican nominee John McCain in the 2008 general election.

6. Finally, Mr. Barak was inaugurated for his current post in January 2009.

7. The following is a list of some of his personal characteristics that have been gathered from different forms of the media.

a. Mr. Obama is from Hawaii.

b. He is of a mixed race, being the son of a Kenyan father and American mother.

c. Furthermore, he has spent time in Indonesia where he lived with his mother after his parents were divorced.

d. One of the lesser known facts about him is that he has won the Grammy in 2006. He won it in the category of the best spoken word recording for the audio avatar of his book known as 'Dreams From My Father.'

e. He smokes even though the White House is a non-smoking zone.

f. He cannot tolerate ice cream even though he worked at a Baskin Robbins outlet in his younger days.

g. He has a wide collection of the Spiderman and Conan the Barbarian comics. He was nicknamed the "O Bomber" in his high school days due to his basketball prowess.

h. He listens to Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Bach, and The Fugees.

Furthermore, as is more than evident from the aforementioned facts, Mr. Barak Obama is not very different from the common man except in terms of passion. However, in terms of his presidential reign, he is still in the process of meeting the goals that he had laid down for himself when he decided to take on the responsibility of the entire country in his hands. is a website that consists of all possible updates pertaining to the U.S. President Mr. Barak Obama. These updates range from the barely significant to the extremely important information. For more information about Barak [] please visit the given link.

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Barak Obama and Mike Dillard - "Yes We Can" leadership when it comes to your success!

The single most important thing I do is every day people like you and me to provide leadership.

Especially in times of calamity determines which often survive good conduct or threatened by extinction. We are faced with dangerous times, and many people are desperate for a way.

As long as there is hope, find people, the strength, determination, and all resources that they need to survive and eventually flourish.

I know a guy who said YES WE CAN!

The most amazing thing is that when he said, not many people the option would look at, which he could be successful at what he had taken.

We should be the fact that he never said so what, take note, that I can. He realized a very important factor of GR.

It is also interesting to see that he used the strategy of social networking to reach the Internet, would not be what many, many people think.

Only a short time before, supports Internet marketing as a business that has used the downward trend of almost all other vehicles of create wealth across NBC News. Internet marketing continues at the rate of 69.000 people, which in this sector every week.

There is a common thread between Barak Obama phenomenal success in his political career and the phenomenal success of wealth creation through Internet marketing. It is social networking and the GR-factor.

As I say President Obama, YES WE CAN! Listen to the naysayers. The research and see for yourself, Internet Marketing provides great prosperity for many, many people like you and me!

I'll tell you without hesitation, that when I read, and the concept of attraction marketing by Mike Dillard learned, my life was changed! The same can happen for you!

There are certain laws of the universe, to determine the result of our lives.

The law of gravity, it means that no matter who you are or where on earth you, if you jump off a roof you fall without exception on the ground!

There is also a law of attraction, which says your success or failure depends on the words you speak, whether positive or negative. The idea that emotions lead them, and you have determines your success or its failure. The nature of the harvest is the seed you sow, kindness or mean spirited, specify retained.

Frankly, it is up to help me, as many people as I can.

Melanie Phillibert
Internet consultant and trainer and entrepreneur
Marketing consultant

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There's earning power in your communications - how do you measure up to Barak Obama?

Did you know that 85% of your earning power lies in how you communicate to the business world around you? How true is that, when you think back to your job interview, where you were offered your salary, based on how persuasively you communicated your value to the company that hired you? There is always room for improvement even with the best communicators in the business world. Learn some tips here about communicating to build your long-term earning power.

You may be the business face of your organisation - certainly, in the eyes of your clients and other key stakeholders in your business - and as you ascend the career ladder, your communication skills will become even more important to you and the company that invests in you as an employee. You are more than likely going to be standing in front of a team of accountants, Board of Directors or investors, at some point in your job and career, communicating why your ideas should be considered and acted upon for the benefit of your organisation and that all important attentive audience.

It is then no longer about how well you can interpret a P&L balance sheet that will drive your success, but your ability to win people over to you way of thinking and have them co-operate with you in achieving the common business goals or take action on what you communicate.

Talk to anybody who has left a company of their own volition, you often learn that people don't leave companies, they leave inflexible - or at worst - poor communicators, who they happen to report to. Consider what you are costing your organisation, if your communication skills are not where they need to be, not to mention what you might be losing in your pocket!

What makes great communicators outstanding?

A great example of an outstanding communicator is the US President, Barak Obama, who demonstrates a unique ability to get people to respond to his calls to action. Obama shows great presence and charisma in his communication style, which emanates through his powerful and engaging body language. He carries himself with certainty, calmness and purpose in all interactions, which enhances his sense of authority and draws people to him to hear what he has to say.

In his voice, we hear clear diction on every word he says. There is plenty of vocal variety and an excellent use of silence and pauses to drive home his ideas into the minds and hearts of others.

Obama is eloquent and articulate. He speaks in a language that inspires and includes, and he makes every person feel they are part of his world. This was demonstrated recently in London, when he shook hands with the police man on duty at the door of No. 10 Downing Street. Gordon Brown ignored the policeman! How would you view both leaders based on that micro-communication? Everybody matters in Obama's eyes and he is about collaboration and inclusion and connection.

Another great attribute of Obama is his willingness to take responsibility and admit and he has made a mistake - a sign of high emotional intelligence. He takes it on the chin and moves on. He can say "I made a mistake, it won't happen again" and people seem to respect him more for that strength. After 100 days in office, there seem to be good rather than bad reports on his performance and the calibre of relationships he is building inside and outside his organisation and around the world.

How do poor Communicators stand out?

Unlike Obama, his predecessor, George W. Bush, displayed a high degree of focus on his own interests, and even when he did communicate, he left us all wondering what exactly did he say? His language and speech patterns were often poorly delivered and incoherent. They certainly didn't display the rhetoric and standing of a statesman, but a poverty of language, with his notorious "Bush-isms" and his inability to communicate to his electorate and the international community.

How would you rate your own communication skills?

You may not have aspirations to reach the heights of great politician, but where there are people around, the same rules of engagement apply; if you want to enrich the working world of those you work with and increase your earning power, take a hard look at how people respond to you, and it should give you some indication of the calibre of your communication skills. Here are some additional pointers to help you become a great communicator.

Great Communicators are aware of the impact they have on others.

What do you think people see, hear and feel from you? People interpret your communication in your body-language (55%) and the tone of your voice (38%).Words and content only account for 7%. So, does you body language need opening up, smoothing out, calming down? Does your tone of voice need more inflection or clarity, diction, softness or authority? Do people move towards or away from you? It may be time to get some honest feedback in your work place and from yourself on how you measure up.

Great communicators build great networks across their business contacts.

There are multiple channels of influence you can build now, no matter what stage you are at in your career. Begin with your immediate accounting peers, the key influencers in your organisation, the Sales, Marketing, Operations team, and your most important clients. Make sure they know who you are and how you work. Create links with your industry peers, through the CPA organisation and use the powerful social networking tools, like Inquisix, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter to build an on-line network.

It's important to build your contacts wide and deep, and build a sphere of influence that will serve you as build your financial career. Your ability to reach out across a sphere of Influence, as you advance in your career will determine your future success. As is often said "It is not what you know, it's who you know that counts, the higher up you go."

Great communicators invest in themselves. Jim Rohn, an expert in the personal development field always told his clients to "Work harder on yourself, than you do on your business." That involves taking a deeper look at how you communicate in your spoken and written skills.

The most valuable skill you can develop is deep listening skills and awareness skills. Pay attention to the type of language you use. Is it appropriate to the environment? Are you making the obvious faux pas, using language that does not match your audience, too technical, too casual, i.e. with text message language in your emails?

Do some research and find the right professional development vehicle that will help you on an on-going basis. Toastmasters International (not-for-profit) has an excellent programme for individuals who want to explore their communication and leadership skills.

Great communicators adapt to other people's styles of communicating.

In the study of communication, experts speak of the "map not being the territory", where your version of reality is very different from those around, so consider the reality of others and how they communicate. There may be grain of truth in their views, and seeing different viewpoint, you will always learn something and maybe discover your blind spots. We all have them.

The work world is split between tasks and people, and some are more comfortable with one over the other. The real skill of a great communicator is to smoothly move between both the numbers and the people and build great relationships in the process.

Great communicators have a reputation for being flexible, open and approachable.

The more open and approachable you are, the better your communication skills and rapport you will have. This can be summarised as a sense of empathy, understanding and flexibility with others.

Like Obama, you can make mistakes, but if you take responsibility for them, respect from others increases. When you have conversations with other, develop a reputation as somebody who talks about possibility and progress rather than what's broken or impossible. Your language should be peppered with statements like "I am open to hearing your suggestions, I am going to give it some thought. How can we do this, change this, improve this? What do we need to do to make this happen? How can we take ownership of this?"

Develop a reputation for being approachable and you create opportunities for support when times are tough or when you do become the boss. The big one is, let go of the need to control others and work on building trust. It's far more powerful.

And finally, take some time to study Obama's style of communication. You can find plenty of video footage on YouTube. Read his books, if you want understand the man behind this outstanding communicator.

About Shiera O'Brien: Shiera is an expert in sales optimisation. She specialises in sales consulting and training companies in sales and communication strategies to optimise their selling time. She offers training and coaching on business networking, communication skills, presenting and selling excellence. Contact her on +353 (86) 399-6601. Email via the website: for more information.

communication skills dublin ireland

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